HOA Lost Constitution webinar 2 invitation – June 5

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting

Friday June 5, 2020, 11:00 (PDT)

Join Zoom Meeting

Read Draft script.

Meeting ID: 754 0487 8746
Password: 1tQrX2

Session Format

  • Free ZOOM webinars;
    • The sessions are limited to less than 100 attendees
    • Time restraint to 30 minutes
    • Attendees may ask questions
    • Password protected
    • Will be recorded

Webinar Lost Constitution – Pt 2

HOA Lost Constitution Webinar

Veritas para justitia

(truth for justice)

The overall intent and purpose of this FREE StarMan Group webinar series is the education and reorientation of HOA members, especially the board of directors,  to long ignored issues of constitutional validity; issues that the public will not find in the propaganda from the Evil Empire.

The next webinar is planned for  Friday, June 5, at 11:00 AM PDT. 

It is a continuation of part 1 and will cover introductory  materials needed to understand the reasons for BOD reorientation. If you missed Part 1, I urge you to view the video and script prior to attending Part 2. The video is available at https://vimeo.com/421950279 and the script is here.

To receive an invitation please respond to gks256@NYU.edu with “webinar” as the subject and the email address that you will use to participate.  Invite email will be sent with info needed to attend.

Session Format

Free ZOOM webinars; mute attendees

The sessions are limited to less than 100 attendees

Time restraint to 30 minutes

Attendees may submit questions via chat to be answered at later session.

Password protected

Will be recorded

We must provoke until they respond and change the laws.


BOD education webinar on HOA realities in final stages

A FREE StarMan Group webinar series to educate and reorient HOA boards and the public in general is in its final stages of development. This HOA educational series is based on the collection, “Restoring the Lost Constitution to HOA-Land.” See “HOA board education in constitutionality.”

The first session makes the case why HOA boards need to be educated as they are functioning in the blind with respect to constitutionality issues and the denial of member rights and freedoms. The final session will address The Plan to Restructure the Model of HOA Governance.

To participate you will receive an invite with a password giving the time and date of a ZOOM session. You will need this info at webinar time when you sign up for the session.

Coming soon . . .