Lost Constitution webinar series – #1

I’d like to thank the attendees at this first of a series of seminars on Restoring the Lost Constitution to HOA-Land. It was my first Hosting displaying important documents.

As mentioned in the seminar, I am primarily focused on legalities but also concerned about the lack of ethical and moral values surrounding HOA-Land.  As an update, I had a recent call from a disabled widow who was allowed to have a front gate in her HOA for 23 years.  A new BOD arrived and differences arose resulting in  a citation for unapproved gate.  The BOD said prove the approval by  some prior BOD, and she couldn’t.  What happened to  the attributes of a genuine healthy community of neighbors helping another in distress, who have compassion and a charitable heart, all making for  a healthy “village”?  NADA!

Welcome to the New America of HOA-Land.

I hope you will find the webinar (see link below) helpful and useful in bringing about necessary changes by alerting your HOA BOD and fellow members as to the real nature of HOA-Land; and the private agenda of CAI.  This webinar argued, and provided documentation, that the dominant entity,  promoting its role as an educator, proclaimed HOAs to be independent principalities operating without government and judicial oversight.  And preferred it that way. That is really secessionist if you think about it for a moment. And harmful to our democratic system of government and its values and principals.

I will invite you all again for the continuation of Introduction as I delve deeper into what HOA-Land is all about; and CAI’s role and dominance over the legislators, the media, the BODs  and HOA members.  I am considering having a panel of a few advocates for an interchange of views. Temporary date is scheduled for Friday, June 5th.

I have uploaded the recording for all to see and distribute with accreditation. Look here  https://vimeo.com/421950279.

Associa calls for HOA education, but

From Associa’s blog (HOA 101, Associa Blog (May 19, 2020).

What Makes a Good HOA President?

  1. They have a student mindset.

Board members aren’t expected to be experts right away. Good presidents should take the time to learn about the state and local laws, governing documents, and the overall operations of the association. They should also seek out and respect the advice of professional partners. There is always more to learn, and the more you know, the better off you’ll be.

  1. They are good mediators.

When residents disagree, things can get heated—and board members typically need to get involved. Board presidents must maintain a professional demeanor, stay objective, and be willing to understand all points of view.

Carona   (HOA 101, Associa Blog (May 19, 2020). Associa is a national HOA management firm owned by former Texas Senator Carona,)

John J. Carona, Chairman & CEO



* * * *

I am offering this webinar to present what Associa and other CAI stalwarts call HOA 101 education, education that is biased and fails to acknowledge serious constitutional flaws with the HOA legal scheme. Get all the info needed to make a fully informed decision!

George K> Staropoli is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Lost HOA Constitution

Time: May 22, 2020 11:00 AM Arizona (PDT)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 792 4540 6291

Password: 4t1jVM

Let other interested person know!



What the Lost HOA Constitution webinar will reveal

Veritas para Justitia  (Truth for Justice)

May 22, 2020 11:00 AM PDT

To receive an invitation please respond to gks256@NYU.edu with “webinar” as the subject and the email address that you will use to participate

The 1964 Homes Association Handbook is the HOA “bible.” Here’s an example of the objectives of the origins of HOA-Land:

The last paragraph of the Foreword by the then ULI (Urban Land Institute) President reads:

“It is our firm belief that the information and recommendations contained in the handbook will be of major value to land developers, planners, home builders, appraisers, mortgage lenders, realtors, attorneys, association officers, and public officials concerned with the planning, development, and operation of stable and attractive residential areas for the home owner and the community.”

Reads like a money-making venture with a social value attached. Like selling a business product for the backers. The Handbook has no references to questions of local government or constitutional validity. But over the course of years HOAs have been sold as protecting property values, the greatest form of democracy, and “care-free living” among other “community” connotations. All purchased under a real estate contract and not under a commercial business or stock contract. Is this misrepresentation?

More can be found in the webinar.


Lost Constitution Webinar

Veritas para justitia

May 22, 2020 11:00 AM PDT

This FREE webinar dares discuss the CAI taboos!

The overall intent and purpose of this webinar series is the education and reorientation of HOA members, especially the board of directors, to long ignored issues of constitutional validity; issues that the public will not find in the multitude of materials and publications of that business trade group, Community Associations Institute, CAI.

Geo zoom

The reorientation project is the first step toward the understanding and acceptance of my Plan Toward the Restructuring the HOA Model of Governance; it requires an examination of the role and influence of CAI in supporting and promoting the HOA legal concept and model of government.

To participate you will receive an invite with a password giving the time and date of the session. You will need this info when you sign up for the session at webinar time.

To receive an invitation please respond to gks256@NYU.edu with “webinar” as the subject and the email address that you will use to participate

HOA Lost Constitution Webinar

Veritas para justitia

This seminar dares discuss the CAI taboos! 

This FREE StarMan Group webinar series summarizes and follows the materials – the text — comprising the HOA educational series to reorient HOA boards and the public in general. The text is available online under the collection, “Restoring the Lost Constitution to HOA-Land.”

The first webinar is planned for Friday, May 22, at 11:00 AM PDT. It will cover introductory materials needed to understand the reasons for BOD reorientation.

To receive an invitation please respond to gks256@NYU.edu with “webinar” as the subject and the email address that you will use to participate.


  1. Format

Free ZOOM webinars; mute attendees

The sessions are limited to less than 100 attendees

Time restraint to 30 minutes

Attendees may submit questions via chat to be answered at later session.

Password protected

Will be recorded

Set Weekly schedule –

Session sequence

  1. Introduction

Plan supplement – education

BOD reorientation to constitutionality

About CAI – real CAI, misrepresentation

2.      Substantive constitutionality reforms — HOA Common Sense – subject to revision.

Boards do no wrong, #7

Fair and just hearings, #6

Draconian punishment, #8

Democratic elections, #5

Consent to be governed, #4; fair elections post

The HOA-Land Nation

3.      Scope of Outlaw nation

Oath of Allegiance

HOA history — Establishing New America

Plan to restructure HOAs

3.     Supplemental material and reading

Need for BOD education on constitutionality

Restoring HOA constitutionality

HOA-Land map

Plan to restructure HOAs

Supplemental readings

CAI misrepresentation

Will the real Community Associations Institute (CAI) standup

Oath of allegiance

