Lost HOA Constitution webinar complete videos

This post allows access to 3 webinar videos on Restoring the Constitution to HOA-Land. The quality improves as I go on — it’s the content, the material, that’s important to learn and understand.

For best viewing press the ‘expand’ icon (lower right) for full screen viewing. Place cursor over video to select menu.

Lost Constitution webinar #3 available

Veritas para justitia

(truth for justice)

The Restoring the Lost Constitution to HOA-Land webinar introductory series has concluded with #3.  The accompanying # 3 script here: here.

The three introduction to the Plan videos can be found here:

#1, https://vimeo.com/421950279
#2, https://vimeo.com/426813340
#3, https://vimeo.com/427795232   

It can be viewed here:  https://vimeo.com/427795232 and

The overall intent and purpose of this webinar series is the education and reorientation of HOA members, especially the board of directors,  to long ignored issues of constitutional validity; issues that the public will not find in the propaganda from the Evil Empire. It is an introductory presentation and  required reading to better understand my proposed action plan set forth in A Plan Toward the Restructuring of the HOA Model of Governance, now on Amazon.com[1]

I continue to read that more and more homeowners are surprised why they lose in court, and before their legislature and before their board of directors.  I believe that a good part of these failures is because the issues at hand run very deep and are not the superficial day-to-day operational issues facing homeowners, not that they are not important.  The successful resolution can only come from standing behind the broadest levels of authority and exposing the many violations by our elected officials at all levels: the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence which constitute the organic laws of America.[2] 

Every argument not raising these democratic principles is a tacit recognition that serves to accept the validity and constitutionality of the HOA legal scheme and governing model, and of the laws in support of HOA-Land.  You lose from the start!


[1] Visit Amazon. (June 11, 2020).

[2] Organic law is the fundamental basis of a government. The Homes Association Handbook and UCIOA constitute, in my view, the organic law for HOA governed planned communities. In contrast, the U.S. Code defines the organic laws of the United States to include the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Northwest Ordinance, and the U.S. Constitution. (US Statutes At Large, 1789 –1875, Vol. 18, Part I, Revised Statutes (43rd Congress, 1st session), p. v and vi). The organic laws of HOA-Land are replacing the organic laws of the US as applied to local government.

Lost Constitution Webinar Series final session

Lost Constitution Webinar

Veritas para justitia

(truth for justice)

“We must make the injustice visible.”


Part 2 can be viewed here (20 minutes): https://vimeo.com/426813340; its script can be found here.

Part 3 continues examining the need to restructure the HOA model of governance, an introduction to the booklet/eBook,  A Plan Toward Restructuring the HOA Model of Governance, and 2 unanswered questions that seek justification for legislatures permitting  HOAs to function as  independent principalities.  

“Restructuring the HOA-Land Nation  requires a cultural change in in the way of life of members; and an appropriate change in attitude by  state legislatures, the people and the home buying public.”

“The authoritarian nature of HOA-Land is masked by a thorough indoctrination by CAI that presents a false picture that the real estate subdivision is governed under democratic principles, and inappropriately named a community simply because the members are allowed to vote as meaningless as it is.”

“Can private parties enter into contractual arrangements, using adhesion contracts and a constructive notice consent, that serve to regulate and control the people within a territory (an HOA), to circumvent the application of the Constitution?”

This final session will be produced in a closed, private ZOOM meeting and will be available online shortly.

HOA Lost Constitution webinar 2 invitation – June 5

You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting

Friday June 5, 2020, 11:00 (PDT)

Join Zoom Meeting

Read Draft script.

Meeting ID: 754 0487 8746
Password: 1tQrX2

Session Format

  • Free ZOOM webinars;
    • The sessions are limited to less than 100 attendees
    • Time restraint to 30 minutes
    • Attendees may ask questions
    • Password protected
    • Will be recorded

Webinar Lost Constitution – Pt 2

HOA Lost Constitution Webinar

Veritas para justitia

(truth for justice)

The overall intent and purpose of this FREE StarMan Group webinar series is the education and reorientation of HOA members, especially the board of directors,  to long ignored issues of constitutional validity; issues that the public will not find in the propaganda from the Evil Empire.

The next webinar is planned for  Friday, June 5, at 11:00 AM PDT. 

It is a continuation of part 1 and will cover introductory  materials needed to understand the reasons for BOD reorientation. If you missed Part 1, I urge you to view the video and script prior to attending Part 2. The video is available at https://vimeo.com/421950279 and the script is here.

To receive an invitation please respond to gks256@NYU.edu with “webinar” as the subject and the email address that you will use to participate.  Invite email will be sent with info needed to attend.

Session Format

Free ZOOM webinars; mute attendees

The sessions are limited to less than 100 attendees

Time restraint to 30 minutes

Attendees may submit questions via chat to be answered at later session.

Password protected

Will be recorded

We must provoke until they respond and change the laws.
