path to HOA legislative reform victory

Include the following “fill-in [ ]” model as “Section 1” to all bills proposing HOA reform legislation:

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of [ ]:

Section 1. It is the policy of this state that notwithstanding any provision of [insert the appropriate planned community or condominium acts] to the contrary,  the CC&Rs or Declaration for any planned community, condominium association or homeowners association shall state that, “The association hereby waivers and surrenders any rights or claims it may have, and herewith unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to be bound by the US and State Constitutions and laws of the State as if it were a local public government entity.”

Getting your HOA reform bills accepted

I’m pleased to see many of you are using my Commentaries on HOA Constitutional Government as part of your efforts to bring about HOA reform legislation.  Allow me to recommend a procedure that should improve more success in getting your legislators’ attention. Justification for my arguments below can be found in the “Recommend texts” below; homeowners and advocates cannot neglect these works of mine and others.

  • Legislators are immerged in tons of emails by many persons and “robo emails” — the same email sent by many persons —  get slight attention;
  • There is some success that your district representative will sponsor your bill and your reforms;
  • Emails from state residents to bill sponsors and committee chairs and members are generally read, but outsiders receive less attention unless   strong credentials are provided to counter CAI’s credentials;
  • The main focus of your email should be your reforms with the inclusion of works from others being supportive.
  • Have no fear of show the ugly forest through the trees by addressing constitutional violations that support your reform legislation — over my 24 years CAI has ignored any such discussion and will fight like hell to avoid constitutionality issues (I challenged them back in 2006, no response);
  • CAI and the legislators  will not put themselves in a highly vulnerable position of having to defend the indefensible, a rejection of the Constitution; it is their Achilles heel;
  • Have no fear of raising the important issues of intentional misrepresentation in the claimed  “you agreed  to be bound” CAI defense, invalidating the legitimacy of the adhesion CC&Rs contract;
  • Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish – spend some small change and get copies of publications that will serve as textbooks on getting your issues heard before your legislature (see “Recommended texts” below).

Recommended texts

Privatopia, Evan McKenzie (seminal book on private HOA government)

HOA Common Sense: rejecting private government, George K. Staropoli (entry level constitutional violations)

Take Back Your Government, Morgan Carroll (out of stock at Amazon; eBay, Thriftbooks)

HOA Constitutional Government, George K. Staropoli (a one volume collection of 56 events and situations over 24 years)

The battle for HOA Constitutional Government – supplement

It should be well understood that the real purpose for HOA reform legislation is to seek homeowner-member justice and fairness. Either with respect to day-to-day denied under the HOA legal scheme, as set forth in the Declarations of CC&Rs and state laws. 

To be more specific, these rights affect free speech, participation in HOA government, fair elections procedures, due process with respect to fines and punishments including foreclosure abuse, and an effective means to hold the board accountable under the law. In other words, challenging the validity and constitutionality of the HOA legal structure.

Over the past year I have noticed a favorable increase  in legislation and in court decisions as a result of increased claims by homeowners and advocates who, by their actions, are winning with the winners.  What is there to fear? Reforms have moved at a turtle’s pace over the past 30 years. Nothing to lose by taking a strong stand backed by legal authority.

“There can be no change without change

Encourage others to take a strong stand by providing authoritative support to win with the winners, as can be found in HOA Constitutional Government: the continuing battle. My Collective Writings over 24 years.  Spread the word to others to act without fear.

Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  • HOA Constitutional Government: the continuing battle / George K. Staropoli
  • 145 p. StarMan Publishing, Surprise, AZ | includes index | Published January 9, 2024
  • ISBN: 978-0974448886 (pbk) | ASIN: B0CSC5LCY8 (KDP eBook)
  1. Constitutional law – Constitutional principles – public policy – form and structure of government
  2. Political science – sovereignty – consensus. Consent to be governed –  law making  – local government
  3. Social sciences – community – social influence

K3154 – 3370 LCCN classification

collective writings — immediate release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 Contact: George K. Staropoli, 602-228-2891

The battle for HOA Constitutional Government

Surprise, AZ – February 1, 2024 — For over 60 years, since 1964, the controversial issue as to the validity and constitutionality of Homeowners associations (HOAs, PUDs, POAs, condos) has been ignored by state legislatures, attorney generals, the judiciary, and the media.

In order to set the record straight and to educate and reorient the policy makers, the constitutionality of HOAs is raised in the collective writings of long time HOA reform activist and nonlawyer, George K. Staropoli. In his  January 9, 2024 published HOA Constitutional Government: the continuing battle,  he has presented 56 of his 1,300 social media posts over his 24 years as a reform activist.

These posts – as originally written and not as legal advice or opinion — contain his views based on documented legislation, case histories,  statements and various releases by the parties including the lobbyist entity, in their  own words.

The case is made that 1) the HOA declaration of CC&Rs is ab initio unconstitutional and invalid; 2) the CC&Rs are a devise to escape the application of constitutional protections; 3)  HOAs are permitted to do things municipal governments are not allowed; 4) there is no genuine, valid support for “agreed to be bound” under the application of equitable servitudes constructive notice doctrine; and 5) the judiciary has failed to educate  judges and law students on laws and principles affecting the HOA legal scheme.

It is argued that this irresponsible state of affairs is primarily the result of the dominance and influence on the policy makers by the national HOA lobbying trade group.  All the state HOA “Acts” and laws constitute “new law,” and the HOA legal scheme has been treated as sui generis; mixing laws of the land with new meanings and definitions to sell the HOA legal scheme to all Americans.

These Acts are nothing more than parallel laws to the Constitution, and superseding the Constitution in many court decisions. In a selected entry Staropoli quotes CAI’s brief to the NJ court in 2006:

In the context of community associations, the unwise extension of constitutional rights to the use of private property by members . . . raises the likelihood that judicial intervention will become the norm.”

* * * *

Get HOA Constitutional Government –

HOA Constitutional website: Staropoli has had his per se AZ Supreme Court amicus briefs challenging HOA constitutionality accepted by the court.

standing up for HOA reform legislation

The publication on Amazon of my paperback Collected Writings (for Kindle version) is the latest in my long-term plan and strategy to achieve HOA reforms across the country. An opportunity exists for seriously motivated owners and advocates to come to the aid of the HOA reform movement on a national scale, and call attention to the invalid HOA legal scheme.

It’s simple: put your $$$$ where your mouth is.  By purchasing Collected Writings on a national scale on a leading international website, Amazon, our outcry for reforms can no longer be denied. You can purchase for others, or for a group of others. Amazon will not permit price discounts for these books.

An unworkable alternative at this time would be to set side a percentage of the profits into a nonprofit account to be used to support statewide lobbying of selected reform bills. But this would require substantial purchasers/donators in the order of 10,000 or more.

For those who do purchase these important issues, all presented in one collection, you can write and submit an Amazon review —  no charge.

Of course, there will be a few who will claim  that he’s just looking to make some money. Over my 22+ years  I have received minuscule payments after spending some $10,000 of my own funds.