Continuity of Government (COG) and HOA-Land

Continuity of government (COG) is the principle of establishing defined procedures that allow a government to continue its essential operations in case of a catastrophic event.

It was intended to preserve the American form of representative government, continuity of federal authority aided law enforcement, ensured general safety, and protected the government from the illegal assumption of power by rival foreign powers or anti-government organizations. 

The COG Plan was only activated in the 9/11 crisis until Jan. 6th. According to George Stephanopoulos (The Situation Room), the White House Situation Room put the COG Plan into action on January 6, 2021.  President Trump watched TV and in Congress the Secret Service protected VP Pense from the crowd.

Undoubtedly because it was never anticipated, COG did not address the slow erosion of the Constitution and democratic values from within the country, as we see with the HOA-Land Nation within America.  HOA-Land describes the collection of HOAs throughout America as “HOA-Land.” It identifies HOA-Land as a nation within America based on its culture, beliefs commonality of contractual CC&Rs acting as their constitution.