the importance of footnotes

Those of you who have been following me for some time know I make extensive use of footnotes/references. I use this approach so as not to distract from the body of the commentary/editorial, yet provide additional important information helpful for a better understanding of the my message.

Please check them out.

Letters to Editor now available

For all these years I regarded this site as an Internet publisher, like any other media publisher, for HOA issues.  Now I think it’s time to allow for subscribers to post Letters to the Editor on relevant and substantive concerns and issues that are focused on constitutional issues.

Events and news may be appropriate provided your letter appeals  to constitutional issues or one of my six HOA defects as contained in my HOA Common Sense: rejecting private government. Letters about any local issues particular to your HOA or any revenge/grievance posts will be rejected.  

Your chance of being posted under your name depends on my review.  Submit your letters to with Letters to the Editor as the subject.  Your name and email address must be included for consideration. You can have a voice here.