Support your legislative HOA champion with legal authorities

Deborah Goonan’s excellent  report on Louisiana House Bill 9, sponsored by Rep. Hollis, simply reads,

 “B. Any provision of a community document which restricts a constitutional 15 right of a lot owner or a person residing in a residential planned community shall be 16 null and void.” 

(What if homeowners associations had to respect owners and residents constitutional rights?, Jan. 20,2022).

Fantastic! It shows meaningful reform does not require  complicated mumbo-jumbo. It similar to my proposed 2011 “Truth in HOAs,”

The association hereby waivers and surrenders any rights or claims it may have, and herewith unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to be bound by the US and State Constitutions and laws of the State as if it were a local public government entity.”

However, the bill is only proposed!  Legislators need your active support as well as “ammunition” to support their bill with legal authorities – cases, court filings, correspondence, and posts on this blog and on American Independent communities

Send relevant posts to your legislators today!

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"The Voice for HOA Constitutionality". I have been a long-term homeowner rights authority, advocate and author of "The HOA-Land Nation Within America" (2019) and" Establishing the New America of independent HOA principalities" (2008). See HOA Constitutional Government at My efforts with HOAs took me to a broader concern that was deeply affecting the constituionality of HOAs. Those broad societal and plotical concerns caused me to start this new blog for my commentaries on the State of the New America.

2 thoughts on “Support your legislative HOA champion with legal authorities”

  1. you make it too default to send a reply.

    You are being asked to login because is used by an account you are not logged into now. By logging in you’ll post the following comment to Support your legislative HOA champion with legal authorities:

    Every HOA Owners group needs to send a 5% Owners Petition to demand to include a VOTE on a Ballot Measure to add this as a simple Document Hierarchy insert to their HOA Governing Documents at EVERY ANNUAL ELECTION until it gets passed, and to ALSO include another Measure to ADD a “Director” on every Private Lot in CID Association’s . This is in SB323 & is in California Chaptered Law.

    On Sat, Jan 22, 2022 at 7:40 AM HOA Constitutional Government wrote:

    > HOAGOV posted: ” Deborah Goonan’s excellent report on Louisiana House > Bill 9, sponsored by Rep. Hollis, simply reads, “B. Any provision of a > community document which restricts a constitutional 15 right of a lot owner > or a person residing in a residential planne” >

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