Authoritarianism in America; authoritarianism in HOA-Land

Some 23% of Americans live in HOA-Land, that collection of fragmented independent principalities known, in general, as HOAs. HOAs are separate, local private governments not subject to the constitution, and collectively constitute a nation within a defined geographical region known as the United States.

 “A nation consists of a distinct population of people that are bound together by a common culture, history, and tradition who are typically concentrated within a specific geographic region.”

Jonathan Chait  (, Jan. 3, 2022), wrote last week,  You can’t stop authoritarianism unless you understand it.” Consequently, my continued effort to reorient and reeducate HOA BODS and its followers.

The HOA is truly a totalitarian democracy.  In 2019 I wrote, “Authoritarianism in the HOA-Land Nation

“A totalitarian democracy . . . retains full power of . . .  the right of control over everything and everyone. Maintenance of such power, in the absence of full support of the citizenry, requires the forceful suppression of any dissenting element except what the government purposely permits or organizes.”

The authoritarianism of HOA-Land  is masked by a thorough indoctrination that the real estate subdivision is a democratic community because the members are allowed to vote, as meaningless as it is. It seems that the more predisposed to authoritarian control the more the member acts as a diehard, dogmatic, true-believer in the BOD.

Read more Cult behavior within HOA-Land.

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"The Voice for HOA Constitutionality". I have been a long-term homeowner rights authority, advocate and author of "The HOA-Land Nation Within America" (2019) and" Establishing the New America of independent HOA principalities" (2008). See HOA Constitutional Government at My efforts with HOAs took me to a broader concern that was deeply affecting the constituionality of HOAs. Those broad societal and plotical concerns caused me to start this new blog for my commentaries on the State of the New America.

3 thoughts on “Authoritarianism in America; authoritarianism in HOA-Land”

  1. Thanks George. Don’t know if You are aware of a 1999 Rhode Island Superior Court case in which the court ruled in JAMES FOLEY v OSBORNE COURT CONDOMINIUM, ET AL that a “1982 legislative Act represents an unconstitutional delegation of judicial or police power to the condominium association, a private entity.”    I don’t know what may have happened after 1999.

    ginal Message—–

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