HOA case study approach vs focus groups

The more familiar focus group methodology stands in sharp contrast to the Case Study approach, which is a top-down, managerial process, while focus groups are a bottoms-up approach to provide guidance to decision-makers. The key aspect here is how does the researcher use the data gathered, which is dependent on the depth and quality of its subsequent analysis.

An important caveat:  focus groups can be used to advance personal agendas by shaping the content of the issue or conditions to be studied and/or the phrasing and wording of the questions asked.  There is generally no debate between the respondents questions or criticizing their views.

HOA Case Study Overview

Simply put, the case method is a discussion of real-life situations that business facing executives.  IT IS AN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS FOR ALL HOA MEMBERS and will help in becoming a more meaningful, relevant, and productive participant in the governance of your HOA.   It is members only and independent of any HOA approval or regulations.

If properly conducted, the outcome  should provide your BOD with solutions that have much more merit than listening to the views gathered at focus groups or Q & A sessions (workshops, fireside chats, meet the board, etc.).

The method consists of being presented with a real event or issue or a case facing an executive – president, BOD, committee chair — and asking a question or two regarding what you would decide. As you review each case, you’ll put yourself in the shoes of the key decision maker, analyze the situation, and decide what you would do to address the challenges.   

Importantly, there is the requirement to present your views or opinions before the study group (online participants), and  after a discussion with other group participants you will be asked to volunteer your decision and reasons why.  If you feel that your decision[s] have merit you can present them to the president or BOD as you feel comfortable.  It would be appropriate to indicate the basis for your recommendations, the HOA Case Study Group that you participated in.

How to participate in a meaningful and instructive manner.  YOU are the decision maker! What to do?  (Harvard Business School, Executive Education). 

Here’s your chance to deal effectively with HOA issues and resolve the problems in a practical  manner. No unsupported opinions, feelings, likes/hates, etc.

  • What are the most important issues being raised?
  • Each case begins with a text description followed by exhibits. Ask yourself: What is the case generally about, and what information do I need to analyze?
  • Put yourself in the shoes of the case protagonist, and own that person’s problems. Ask yourself: What basic problem is this executive trying to resolve?
  • What recommendations should I make based on my case data analysis?

. . . .

Why are focus groups used?

(Copley Focus Centers)

“Focus Groups are generally used to gather people’s opinions, ideas, and beliefs on a certain topic or product.  While surveys or questionnaires can be useful, they can not capture what a person is thinking or feeling.  This is where a focus group will come into play. . . .  The main purpose of focus group research is to draw upon respondents’ attitudes, feelings, beliefs, experiences and reactions in a way where other methods are not applicable.

“Focus Groups are generally used when there is little or no knowledge about the target market.  Most commonly Focus Groups are used when a new . . .  service is being developed and the company is not sure how the public will react.  In this instance, a Focus Group is conducted to get opinions, ideas, suggestions, and reactions before the product or service is available to the public.  Once the information is gathered, changes may be applied to the service or product to make sure that it will be received well by the target audience.”

One thought on “HOA case study approach vs focus groups”

  1. Great, issues in HOA these groups are not supported by any HOA management or better yet ill-advised against by HOA attorneys. Trying to get any meaningful focus group run by only homeowners is wishful thinking, as it is most HOA are dedicated to by these HOA Trade Groups who have such a hold on homeowners it is like being on an internment camp and in some HOA far worse. We as homeowners have no say, those CC&Rs took our voice/votes away, done by mostly developers/homebuilders of these HOA’s empowered by state laws that we also have no say but ruled by HOA trade groups such as CAI.

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