Escaping the HOA cult environment

There is a mass psychology present in HOA-Land — a cult environment. Everyone is vulnerable to cult recruitment. The followers cannot be held to blame because of their deceptive recruitment. There is a lack of awareness and information in regard to how the cult truly works and how it motives people.

Escaping the conditioning and indoctrination that creates the cult  mentality can be accomplished through debriefing techniques. The goal of debriefing is to get the cult member to think for himself and re-evaluate his situation. Debriefing methods can include:

educating the cult member on thought-reform techniques and helping him to recognize those methods in his own cult experience

asking questions that encourage the cult member to think in a critical, independent way, helping him to recognize that type of thinking and praising him for it

attempting to produce an emotional connection to his former life by introducing objects from his past and having family members share their memories of his pre-cult existence

Read more at Cult behavior within HOA-Land; Rogue presidents: Trump and HOAs.  The reorientation and reeducation required to attain substantive HOA reforms can be found in A Plan Toward Restructuring the HOA Model of Governance.

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