Lost Constitution Webinar

Veritas para justitia

May 22, 2020 11:00 AM PDT

This FREE webinar dares discuss the CAI taboos!

The overall intent and purpose of this webinar series is the education and reorientation of HOA members, especially the board of directors, to long ignored issues of constitutional validity; issues that the public will not find in the multitude of materials and publications of that business trade group, Community Associations Institute, CAI.

Geo zoom

The reorientation project is the first step toward the understanding and acceptance of my Plan Toward the Restructuring the HOA Model of Governance; it requires an examination of the role and influence of CAI in supporting and promoting the HOA legal concept and model of government.

To participate you will receive an invite with a password giving the time and date of the session. You will need this info when you sign up for the session at webinar time.

To receive an invitation please respond to gks256@NYU.edu with “webinar” as the subject and the email address that you will use to participate

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"The Voice for HOA Constitutionality". I have been a long-term homeowner rights authority, advocate and author of "The HOA-Land Nation Within America" (2019) and" Establishing the New America of independent HOA principalities" (2008). See HOA Constitutional Government at http://pvtgov.org. My efforts with HOAs took me to a broader concern that was deeply affecting the constituionality of HOAs. Those broad societal and plotical concerns caused me to start this new blog for my commentaries on the State of the New America.

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