HOA beliefs, passions vs. facts

I have written extensively on the mindset, points of views and beliefs of the vast majority of homeowners in HOAs and of those of the media and legislators across this country.[1]

As part of my Plan[2] I made reference to Plato’s cave allegory[3] on educating persons to a new view of life. In short, his dialogue speaks of people seeing only shadows within the cave where they dwell who attempt to come into the light to see reality. Here is a shorter, more understandable argument from John Adams.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

Unfortunately, the difficulty in any reeducation or reorientation program lies in the reality that most people “can’t handle the truth.”


[1] See Part 1, social and political dynamics, in The HOA-Land Nation Within America at Amazon.com).

[2] See Plan Toward the Restructuring of the HOA Model of Governance.

[3] See “The Allegory Of The Cave”, Plato, Republic, VII 514 a, 2 to 517 a, 7 (trans. Thomas Sheehan).

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