HOA board education in constitutionality

HOAs have, as local private governments are not subject to the Constitution, created divisiveness and a separation from the greater public community resulting in member confusion regarding the law and their constitutional rights and protections. StarMan Group presents an online educational series, with numerous authorities, to instruct HOA boards in regard to their obligations “in the best interests of the members”.

This HOA educational series to reorient HOA boards and the public in general is available online under the collection, “Restoring the Lost Constitution to HOA-Land”:

1) HOA Common Sense: rejecting private government, a summary of 6 constitutional defects,

2) The HOA-Land Nation Within America, presenting the scope of outlaw private governments that deny constitutional protections,

3) The Plan to Restructure the Model of HOA Governance that advances an approach to restore the Constitution to HOAs while keeping the desired benefits of the “real estate package,” and

4) Establishing the New America of Independent HOA Principalities,” a history of the HOA scheme.

For a historical perspective of HOA-Land, see: 1) The Homes Associations Handbook (ULI, 1964). (Not publicly available but I have a copy of the 434 page document); 2) Privatopia: Homeowner Associations and the Rise of Residential Private Government (1994), Evan McKenzie; and 3) Community Associations: The Emergence and Acceptance of a Quiet Innovation in Housing (2000), Donald R. Stable. (ULI and CAI production).

5 thoughts on “HOA board education in constitutionality”

  1. George I have enjoyed be educated by your relentless research about the unconstitutionality of the HOA quasi private government. When are you going to file a lawsuit in federal district court [ like Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch ] against the criminals who egregiously and arrogantly violate the Constitution and Bill of Rights? Tom has won an unprecedented ORDER from the Washington DC District Court to interview Hillary Clinton about her emails and other criminal activities while Secretary of State. I am sure you can find brilliant lawyers who would like to take on the CAI corrupt lawyers and expose the illegality of the HOA private government debacle that has gone scot-free over the past 40 years. It is time to clean house and dismantle the HOAO regime who in many ways acts like the IRS who is another unconstitutional cabal of criminals. Both the IRS and HOA have no legislative authorization to do anything and that is why they both violate the Constitution with impunity. Check out Judicial Watch and see how you might follow their example to expose the bad actors of the HOA.

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